Dress code

Dress Code Effective from 5pm:

As the sun sets, our dress code rises to the occasion!

We warmly invite you to step into your cocktail best or smart casual finery, perfectly suited to the graceful charm of our venue.

While we adore athletic zeal and beachside breeziness, we suggest saving shorts and activewear for more casual rendezvous. For all our esteemed guests, flip flops, Birkenstocks and Crocs are kindly asked to take the night off (sorry, it's not you, it's us).

Gentlemen, complement this with long trousers and covered shoes that whisper sophistication.

At ATLAS, we blend style with a dash of whimsy, reserving the right to be your friendly fashion curator at the entrance.

Here's to an evening where chic meets cheeky, with a gracious twist!